Makeup 101 - The Basics (1)
2/01/2015 03:39:00 PM
Hello beauties!
This week's theme is everything that has to do with makeup! To start off, today's post will be part (1) of the basics of makeup. I'll be teaching you about all the things revolving around choosing the right makeup for you, such as skin tone, skin type, face shape, lip shape, nose shape, eye shape and eyebrow shape! This is going to be a pretty long post so I hope you brought a snack!
Skin Tone:
The first thing you need to know is what skin tone you have and what undertones you have. There are three types of undertones:
1- Warm Undertones: to check if you have warm undertones, you can check the veins in your wrist to see if they're green. If they are, you're likely to have yellow, peach and bronze undertones. It's fairly easy to notice this by just closely examining your skin in the mirror. Ask yourself, does my skin look more yellow, olive, bronze or peachy? Do I find foundations that are more beige and yellow toned look best on me?
2- Cool Undertones: to check if you have warm undertones, you can check the veins in your wrist to see if they're blue. If they are, you're likely to have pink and blue undertones. If you find your skin is more pink around your cheeks, forehead and chin, or/and you have darker, blue-er/purple under eyes, you are most likely to have cool undertones.
3- Neutral Undertones: to check if you have warm undertones, you can check the veins in your wrist to see if they're both green and blue. Like me, you have a mix of both warm and cool undertones. I have redness/pinkness on my cheeks and am yellow around the rest of my face.
Most foundations, even drugstore will have (W) warm tone, (C) cool, (R) rose or (N) neutral in the name of the shade.
Skin Type:
Knowing your skin type is an important factor in choosing what types of makeup you would use on your face. There are three types of skin:
1- Dry Skin: if you have dry skin, you need a more hydrating base, and dewy complexion.
2- Combination Skin: this can either mean dry to normal skin or normal to oily skin. This could be that your skin has places that have dry patches and other places that are normal. Or where you have normal skin all over and an oily T-zone. Your T-zone is the forehead, nose and chin.
3- Oily Skin: for oily skin, you'll need something that will mattify, specifically in the T-zone.
Lip Shape:
When it comes to applying lip products, people don't really think about how it would look on their lips (i.e. over lining). Different lip shapes require different techniques of applying lip products and completely change how you make your lips appear!

4- Uni-Lips: highlight the cupid's bow and use a slightly darker lip liner to create the illusion of a deeper cupid's bow.
5- Full Lips: avoid highlighting and over lining to reduce the chances of creating a look that is too dramatic. Use a more natural lip liner for a softer look.
6- Drooping-corners Lips: focus on over lining the top of your lips and the cupid's bow to create a lifting effect to the lips.
Face Shape:
Knowing your face shape will not only help you in terms of makeup, but it will also help you choose in terms of glasses/sunglasses and hair cuts. It is also an important factor when it comes to contouring!

1- Round shape: width and length of face appear to be the same length whilst the cheeks appear widest. Are likely to have softer features.

2- Square shape: width and length of face appear to be the same length but with more prominent features such as a sharper jaw line and sharp temples of the forehead.
3- Heart shape: face strongly tapers towards the chin and chin is prominently pointy. Forehead appears to have a 'heart' shape in the middle.
5- Oblong shape: elongated features; appearing as of the same size from forehead to jaw.
6- Diamond shape: square forehead, most prominent at temples. Tapers towards chin and is prominently pointy.
7- Triangle shape: forehead and sides of face appear to be of same length with a pointy chin and square forehead.
Nose Shape:
Knowing your nose shape is not only important for choosing the right glasses but also is crucial for knowing how to contour your nose!

1- Button Nose: slightly wide, with a 'button' looking top; looks circular and slightly pointed upwards.
2- Hooked Nose: appears to have a slight bump on top with a straight, and pointed out tip.
3- Droopy Nose: top of the nose appears to be drooping downwards, rest of the nose appears straight.
4- Upturned Nose: top of nose slanted upwards, rest of the nose appears straight.
6- Grecian Nose: appears straight and downwards, looks slightly wide.
Eye Shape:
Knowing your eye shape will help you determine how to do your eyeshadow and eyeliner that will best suit you.
1- Hooded Eyes: top of the eye appears larger and droops onto the lid. Difficult to make crease work appear as the top of the eye covers the majority of the lid.
2- Mono-lid Eyes: lid doesn't appear to have a crease.
3- Almond Eyes: eyes that have the shape of an almond where the ends are pointer and not rounded.
4- Downturned Eyes: almond eyes that point downwards at the inner corner and end of the eye.
5- Upturned Eyes: almond eyes that point upwards at the inner corner and end of the eye
6- Close Set Eyes: eyes that are close together.
7- Wide Set Eyes: eyes that are distant for each other.
8- Drooping Eyes: rounder eyes that droop downwards.
9- Protruding Eyes: eyes that appear to be slightly bulging out of the eye sockets. Makes the eyes appear larger. Surface area of the lid is much smaller than the other eye types.
Eyebrow shape to suit the face:
Your eyebrows should complement your look and should not appear harsh. The reason a lot of people struggle with their eyebrows is due to the fact that they shape them in a way that doesn't complement their face shape.
1- Oval, Heart, and Oblong Face Shape: to create a unison look, shape your brows for a more round shape to avoid creating harsh lines with a soft face shape.
2- Diamond, Round, Square and Triangle Face Shape: to create a unison look, give your brows a more arched look to match the dimensions and lines of your face shape.
I hope I covered everything you wanted to know! If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask me in the comments below!
Tomorrow's part two will cover the basics of eye makeup, lips, face makeup and contouring.
Stay up to day with me on Twitter (@lineupthemakeup)!
Until Next Time,